Les albums de cette page font références à des séries thématiques de photos qui revêtent une importance particulière à nos yeux. Nous vous invitons à naviguer à votre guise à travers les Albums.
Albums below are referring to series of thematic photos that are or particular importance to us. We invite you to browse through the Albums.
Ce projet personnel a été réalisé par Michèle dans le cadre de son programme de formation en photographie (CFP Maurice-Barbeau à Québec, 2011-2013). Il illustre le passage d'un hiver à l'Île d'Orléans.
This personal project was carried out by Michèle as part of her training program in photography (CFP Maurice-Barbeau in Quebec City, 2011-2013). It illustrates the passage of a winter at Île d'Orléans.
This personal project was carried out by Michèle as part of her training program in photography (CFP Maurice-Barbeau in Quebec City, 2011-2013). It illustrates the passage of a winter at Île d'Orléans.
Les photos ci-contre sont parmi celles qui ont reçu une reconnaissance lors d’une exposition ou qui ont été retenues lors de jugements de photos.
The album on the side contains photos that are among those who have received recognition at an exhibition or who have been retained during a photo judgment.
The album on the side contains photos that are among those who have received recognition at an exhibition or who have been retained during a photo judgment.
Il a été omniprésent dans notre vie pendant de nombreuses années. Il mérite donc son propre Album : Pedro qui fait la pose, Pedro qui bouge et Pedro qui voyage.
He was omnipresent in our life for many years. He therefore deserves his own Album: Pedro who poses, Pedro who moves and Pedro who travels.
Nos photos sont soumises aux droits d’auteur. Si une ou des photos vous intéressent, n’hésitez pas à nous écrire.
Our photos are subject to copyrights. If you are interested in one or more photos, do not hesitate to email one of us.